LEGION Model Builder Help

Stealing links

You can ‘steal’ pre-existing links from one object and move them all to another object (this removes the links entirely from the object from which they are stolen). This can be useful in situations where linking conditions change or new objects are introduced into a route that has already been set up.

Throughout the following procedure, error messages will be displayed should you accidentally select invalid objects.

Tip: In the case of Gates, ensure that you select the correct Gate Side (IN or OUT) when selecting objects. A Gate may have a unique name but two 'sides' if it is a 'Switch' Gate.

Stealing Links from an Object:

  1. Right-click on the object that requires the links (let’s call this ‘object X’) and select Steal Links.

    You are prompted to "Choose the object to steal links from".

  2. Select the object containing the desired links (‘object Y’).

    You are prompted to "Steal links from all or selected originating objects? ([A]/S)"

  3. To steal all the links, type A and press Enter.

    All the links are added to ‘object X’ and removed from ‘object Y’.

  4. If you would rather select a limited number of links:
    • Type S and press Enter.
    • Select the object(s) linking to ‘object Y’: it is their links to ‘object Y’ that will be added to ‘object X’.
    • Press Enter.

    The links from the selected object(s) are added to ‘object X’.